Opus libero  kitchen sink details


Knobs and Handles



Bench tops

Furniture Timbers



Ceiling tiles

Present work



Astracast range from England:

Astracast BELFAST1.0
Designed to fit over a 600mm wide cabinet this ceramic sink is an exact replica of the original Victorian design individually handcrafted and finished in fireclay.
The sink has a deep bowl and comes complete with chrome waste and traditional integrated overflow

SUDBURY1.0 - Ceramic
The Sudbury1.0, also for a 600mm cabinet has a sharper, squarer look. . .

600mm wide x 500mm deep x 200mm high and comes complete with chrome waste and over flow.

SUDBURY2.0 -  double  butler sinkSUDBURY2.0 - Ceramic
The Sudbury2.0, is designed for a 900mm cabinet and has the sharper, squarer look. . .each sink is individually handcrafted and finished in fireclay and comes complete with chrome waste and over flow.

Sergio traditional slip-cast hand crafted sinks.

ororiginal potteries

MASTER  CLASSIC BELFAST butler sinkVILLA-01P Butler 600 Ceramic Sink -
600 wide x 480 deep x 220mm high
comes complete with chrome strainer waste.

MASTER  CLASSIC BELFAST butler sinkMANOR-01P Butler 730 Ceramic Sink

730 wide x 500 deep x 250mm high
comes complete with chrome strainer waste.

MASTER  CLASSIC BELFAST butler sinkMANOR-01R Butler 730 Ceramic Sink
with Ribbed Front
730 wide x 500 deep x 250mm high
comes complete with chrome strainer waste.

Manor 01P Junior butler sinkMANOR-01P JUNIOR Butler 755 Ceramic Sink
with Plain Front

755 wide x 455 deep x 255mm high
comes complete with chrome strainer waste.

MASTER  CLASSIC BELFAST butler sinkHOMESTEAD-02P Double 830 Butler Ceramic Sink
830 wide x 500 deep x 250mm high
comes complete with chrome strainer waste.

MASTER  CLASSIC BELFAST butler sinkHOMESTEAD-02R Double 830 Butler Ceramic Sink with Ribbed Front
833 wide x 500 deep x 250mm high
comes complete with chrome strainer waste.

MASTER  CLASSIC BELFAST butler sinkMANSION-02P Double 780 Butler Ceramic Sink
780 wide x 490 deep x 220mm high
comes complete with chrome strainer waste.

MASTER  CLASSIC BELFAST butler sinkBELFA-1P Butler 600 Ceramic Sink
595 wide x 455 deep x 250mm high.

This is a more contemporary version of the classic Belfast style sink

It comes complete with chrome strainer waste.

Rangemaster traditional sinks from the UK


The Master Belfast Butler sink, is designed for a 600mm cabinet, has a tradditional weir overflow 'box' at the end of the sink and comes complete with chrome strainer waste.


The Master Standard Butler sink, is designed for a 600mm cabinet, has an an overflow and comes complete with chrome strainer waste.

MASTER DOUBLE butler sinkMASTER DOUBLE BUTLER RMDB800 Double Sink - Ceramic

The Master Double Butler sink, is designed for an 800mm cabinet, and comes complete with chrome strainer waste.
: 800 x 500 x 220
Acquello fireclay sinks made in Italy:

Acquello Italian 600mm ceramic butler sinkAcquello S600
Single fireclay butler sink

610mm wide x 460mm deep x 250mm high and comes complete with stainless steel waste and sink protection rack


Acquello Italian 600mm ceramic butler sinkAcquello S600REV
Single fireclay butler sink (as above with back to front)

610mm wide x 460mm deep x 250mm high and comes complete with stainless steel waste and sink protection rack


Acquello Italian 760mm ceramic butler sinkAcquello S760
Single fireclay butler sink.

760mm wide x 460mm deep x 250mm high and comes complete with stainless steel waste and sink protection rack

Acquello Italian 760mm ceramic butler sinkAcquello S760REV
Single fireclay butler sink (as above with back to front)

760mm wide x 460mm deep x 250mm high and comes complete with stainless steel waste and sink protection rack

Acquello Italian double ceramic butler sinkAcquello FR1000 Double
Double 2.0 fireclay butler sink

1000mm wide x 460mm deep x 250mm high and comes complete with stainless steel wastes and sink protectors

Also can be reversed for a patterned front (see below)

Acquello Italian double ceramic butler sinkAcquello FR1000REV Double
Double 2.0 fireclay butler sink (as above with back to front)

1000mm wide x 460mm deep x 250mm high and comes complete with stainless steel wastes and sink protectors.

Also can be reversed for a plain front (see above)

Villroy Boch from Germany

Omnia 700 butler sinkOmnia-uno 700
This is a Villroy Boch, German made,
ceramic sink. This company has been making fired clay products since 1784!
: 700 x 500 x 200
(Also available in 600 x 500 x 200 and 500 x 400 x 170 size).

Omnia 800 butler  sinkOmnia-duo 800
This double ceramic sink is also Villroy Boch, German made.

: 800 x 500 x 220

Shaw's hand-made ceramic sinks have been crafted for over a hundred years, made in the same factory in Lancashire, using time-honored, traditional methods and materials.
Shaws cractsman-made ceramic sinks

Shaws' Pennine butler sinkShaw's Pennine
Traditional Belfast sink with a weir overflow and 88mm waste outlet to accommodate basket strainer or waste disposal unit.

Dimensions: 595 x 460 x 255

Shaw's Rivington double butler sinkShaw's Classic Double 1000 and 800
Large double Belfast sink with overflow. This sink needs a 1000mm cabinet to support it.

Dimensions: 995 x 465 x 229

Also available 795 x 465 x 229

Shaw's Classic Butler 600Shaw's Classic Butler 600 and 800
The classic butler sink with overflow and 88mm waste outlet to accommodate basket strainer or waste disposal unit.

Dimensions: 595 x 460 x 255

Also available 795 x 460 x 255

Shaw's Rivington double butler sinkShaw's Entwistle 760 (ENK-ENT76)
Butler sink . .
with 88mm waste outlet to accommodate basket strainer or waste disposal unit.

Dimensions: 760 x 460 x 255

Shaw's Rivington double butler sinkShaw's Bowland600 (ENK-BOW60)
Fluted apron butler sink . .
with 88mm waste outlet to accommodate basket strainer or waste disposal unit.

Dimensions: 595 x 465 x 220

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